• CMcadeiras - Wooden chair factory

Where are the wooden chairs produced?

Where are the wooden chairs produced?

For many years, the “Triangolo della sedia” in Udine (Italy) was the main focus on companies for wooden chairs. This triangle was made by the cities of Manzano, San Giovanne al Natisone and Corno di Rozazzo. Later, this triangle was replaced by “Distretto Della Sedia” with 11 local cities.

 This was a region with a dense focus on companies selling wooden chair to the whole world. They were known for its excellent design and high quality products. The majority of contract chairs for restaurants and hotels were made here.

 Italian companies were known for being quite strict on their offers. They were less likely to customize the stain or fabrics of the chair. In the meantime, technology was more accessible to other chairs manufacturers that were picking up the pace.

Regions in Europe such Murcia (Yecla, Spain) Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France) had also a crucial rode in the industry of wooden chairs. Most of them are now closed due to competitors in other areas of Europe and Asia.

 One of these regions is the city of Rebordosa, Paredes where the 3 biggest wooden chairs companies in Portugal are located. Chairs made in Rebordosa are sold worldwide and recognized by its quality, competitive prices and customization process.

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